Our Story

The short(ish) version...

In 1997 we met at a little church in the hills of Clovis, California. Jacob was in 6th grade and I was in 2nd.

In 2001 he helped me learn guitar at youth group and we became friends.

In 2004 he left for college and I started high school.

In 2008 we reconnected and began dating.

In 2009 he asked me to marry him on a beach in Dana Point, California.

In 2010 we got married back in Clovis and launched our photography business in Southern California.

In 2011 we got a puppy and named her Molly Mae.

In 2012 we took a leap of faith and moved into a live/work loft so that we could open a photography studio.

In 2013 we hosted weekly dinners with friends, built our business, and spent our last year "just us".

In 2014 we found out we were pregnant, took a babymoon to Europe, and welcomed our first little love, Lilah Rae.

In 2015 we traveled with our baby girl and just enjoyed figuring out life with work and parenthood and marriage all intertwined.

In 2016 we welcomed our second little sweetheart, Sadie Joy.

In 2017 we worked like crazy and really felt like a "family" with our two daughters and puppy.

In 2018 we lost Grandpa Stanberry, but just weeks later, welcomed our third child - A BOY - Jay Stanberry.

In 2019 we continued to grow our business and enjoy our growing family and got an RV (lol).

In 2020 we quarantined and cuddled and played card games and then found out we were expecting baby #4!

In 2021 we welcomed Brooks Charles, another precious boy. 

In 2022 we felt God calling us to something new. So, we moved homes, schools, shut down our photography studio, and started dreaming about starting our own supplement company with a focus on premium ingredients and a pro-life message.

In 2023 we officially launched We Heart Nutrition and now we spend our days packaging prenatal & postnatal supplements for mamas and babies and raising our own babies 

It's amazing to look back on our journey, to see where God has taken us over the years, and to just trust wherever He takes us in the future. 

We would love to partner with you as we continue our goal to give away 100,000 prenatal bottles by the end of 2024. Find out more here. 

marriage motherhood pro-life

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